Flirt Squad
Earn points for prizes, have lots of fun.
This is what you can expect in the next two weeks:
Monday, August 20th: Meet and Greet. Bio, blurb, cover, & 3 random questions.
Tuesday, August 21st: Details on how to earn points and prizes
Wednesday, August 22nd: Excerpt One from Demons of the Sun posted (Challenge Members get to see a different excerpt exclusively until the day before release).
Monday, August 27th: The Demons Quiz posted. Find out what you’d be in the Order of Zeus and tweet your answer for points. (Can post elsewhere if not on twitter!)
Wednesday, August 29th: Exclusive Interview and Squad Challenge
Friday, August 31st: Author Bloggy Quick & Easy Scavenger Hunt
Monday, September 3rd: Excerpt 2 from Demons of the Sun posted
Tuesday, August 4th: Celebrate release day and Announce Winners!
Follow Cindi on Twitter (@CindiMadsen) (+5 points)
Like her fabulous Facebook Page (+2 points)
Pre-order the book and email a receipt (+20 points)
Promote the book on your blog (+5 points)
Post retail link to the book on Twitter or Facebook (+15 points, ONE PER DAY only)
Get a member to join the Cindi Madsen/Demons of the Sun challenge (+25 points)
Recommend to friends on Goodreads (+15 total regardless of number of friends recommended to)
Add to your To-Read shelf on Goodreads-- (+5 points)
Tweets (+2 per tweet/ up to 2 tweets per day)
- Can’t wait to read Demons of the Sun by @CindiMadsen #DOS #FlirtSquad
- I’m in love with a sexy Warrior. #DOS
- Greek Mythology, crazy chemistry, non-stop action. Demons of the Sun by @CindiMadsen is a must read!
- Join @RachelHarrisYA and @CindiMadsen in the #FlirtSquad to win signed Demons of the Sun swag! #DOS
Retweet any posts from me (@RachelHarrisYA) or Cindi (@CindiMadsen) about Demons of the Sun or this event (+1 per retweet, up to two per day)
Take the quiz on the 27th and tweet which order you are in (+10 points)
Do the Scavenger Hunt and email response on the 31st (+20 points)
Posting your Challenge entry (from the 29th) on your blog (+25 points)
The FIRST to 500 points on or before 11:59 pm 9/3/12 wins the Grand Prize: A signed bookmark, A copy of Demons of the Sun, and a $15 Amazon Gift Card!
The next to reach 500 OR closest to it wins a copy of Demons of the Sun
And the next Ten (10) Winners will receive Signed Bookmarks….and the pride in being a part of Cindi’s release (*grin*)
If you are interested in joining the flirtsquad email Rachel at and let Rachel know that Ali @ Little Paint Chips referred you and let her know that you want to participate in the Demons of the Sun by Cindi Madsen contest.
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