I really think that Kiera Cass out did herself with this one. There has been a lot of hype to who America was going to be with whether it was Prince Maxon or Aspen. I will admit I loved both male characters but there was a specific one that I wanted to win her heart. All I want to do is gossip with someone about the book. I wanted to see how others feel.
I feel like America has grown up a lot since book one. I feel as if she is still her opinionated self but I feel like she has grown in her way of thinking and how she looks at the world. America has gone from being a number five to actually looking at the world and suggesting to get rid of castes so everyone is equal. America was looking at the world to find a better way to change it and make the world better for everyone. I think America would make a great Princess and even a better Queen.
I don't feel as if Maxon has grown a lot throughout the series. We find out more about him as the series goes on but I don't feel like he learned a lot of lessons like America did. Maxon is very similiar to an onion and as the series goes on, the reader gets to peel off another layer. I think Maxon has had his eyes opened to a lot of things but I feel as if he is still trying to find his own path and figure out who he wants to be as a ruler. I would love to see a novella about the future of the country and where things end up.
I think Cass grew a lot as a writer through her series. Lately there have been a lot of triology or series that have gone down hill as you read through but I think Cass has the opposite affect. I think her books became better as the triology chugged along. "The Selection" triology is definitely one that I recommend to everyone. I love it that much. The writing is fabulous and there are characters for everyone to love.
The thing I like about Cass' books is the fact that she puts so much thought into her characters. I feel like the characters are really telling the stories and that they are real people opening up to the readers. I personally felt as if these characters were my friends and I was getting to spend time with them and see what was going on in their lives. If an author can pull you in like that, than you know it is a good book.
I really love the idea of "The Selection." I thought it was unique and fun. "The Selection" series is a dystopian series but it isn't your typical end of the world story. I think it borders on the fine line there.
The Characters are fabulous. The plot and storyline are catchy and fun. A unique story. Very well Written. Do I need to say anything more?
Definitely pick up a copy of this series if you haven't read it yet. I have a link on the top to buy and also an amazon search button on the side that will get you started.
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