Ali: Being a musician how did you get into writing?
Kevin Emerson: I have been a writer as a kid before I was a practicing musician. As a kid I wrote fan fiction, it wasn't called that then though. I have kind of been doing both all along.
Ali: Exile is so much different than "The Lost Code." What made you decide to write a contemporary?
Kevin Emerson: It is a voice that I really wanted to write for awhile. I really wanted to write a story about a band. I have been in a tone of bands and experienced a lot of drama. Bands have a lot of drama and most of my life drama has come from that. My wife loves that I am in a band because it takes the relationship drama out of our house. Part of it was coming up with the right story to tell in the music world. That was the first time I found a character that is actually not a band member, she is the band manager. It is slightly based off of an experience that I had with a band manager that was a high school girl. It was the first really good way I found to tell that story but I did miss the characters having supernatural powers.
Ali: How was recording the songs from "Exile"?
Kevin Emerson: It was secretly the best part. We got to think about who each character was in the book, who there influences were and how they would perform each song. We would sit in the studio and talk about it. One of the songs on the soundtrack was written by the day, so it was fund to figure out what you would write in 1998 and who would you be influenced by than. It was really fun.
Ali: If you found out yo were related to someone famous, who would you want it to be?
Kevin Emerson: That is a really good question. Well...That is tough because one of the things I've seen with writing "Exile" is a lot of these musicians are depressive and like tragic. That is one of the things going on there and something that I think about as a parent and a musician. I wouldn't say Elliot Smith or something like that because it would be like really sad. Who would that be? That is a really good one. I think Paul McCartney would make the best dad. I feel like he would be kind of an aloof dad.
Here is me and Kevin Emerson
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