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The Rose and The Dagger by Renee Ahdieh

“The Rose and The Dagger” by Renee Ahdieh was everything I wanted and more. It was to the point that my mom and I had some very interesting text messages that I will share a bit later on. “The Rose and The Dagger” is the final installment to the duology by Renee Ahdieh. I have to say that this is my very first duology, and I really like only having two books.

“The Rose and The Dagger” starts out with Shahrzad being reunited with her family and friends. She is currently in a camp in the desert and all kinds of secrets are being kept. Shahrzad isn’t sure who she can truly trust. This camp that she is in, is raging war against her husband the Khalid.

I loved getting to return to these characters. I still had a special love for Shahrzad and Khalid. Khalid is a man of very little words but huge meaning. Shahrzad is just as feisty and stubborn as ever. I had to say she is one of my favorite heroines to date. In book two, I feel like we get to know the secondary characters a bit more. The characters went through so many things in this book. One minute I am cheering someone on and the next my heart is being ripped out.

“It was because they were two parts of a whole. He did not belong to her. And she did not belong to him. It was never about belonging to someone. It was about belonging together.”

These two characters were made to be together and now they are ripped apart. All I wanted was for them to find their way back to each other. I wanted Shahrzad and Khalid to be okay. Then everyone started to get in the way because each person thought they knew best for Shahrzad. If we go back to Shahrzad's stubbornness, she was going to find a way to get what she wanted. I feel like this next quote, explains Shahrzad perfectly.

“No. He was not here to retrieve his wife. For his wife was not a thing to be retrieved.”

Shahrzad was not someone or something to be possessed by someone else. She is her own person and she was going to do her best to make sure everyone knew that because she is the Calipha and she is not a possession. I really admired Shahrzad for this. She wasn't going to let anyone tear her down or try to own her.

Just with this second book, Ahdieh's writing has grown. She has done a great job with this book. I liked it just as much as the first novel, "The Wrath and The Dawn." I am truly looking forward to her next book. I want to see what her next idea is. Ahdieh has a beautiful way with words and she has proven herself to be an amazing writer. Her stories and writing is very gorgeous.

Below I have shared my text messages with my mom. If you want a good laugh, check them out, however there are some spoilers. Don't look ahead if you haven't read the book. 



Here are mine and my mom’s text messages to say the least:

Mom: Mad at the book!!!!!! :(

Me: The Rose and the Dagger?

Mom: Yes!! Chapter 16

Me: Ugh I’m only on 14

Mom: I meant 19

Me: Oh! You are a lot farther ahead then.



Mom: OMG wait until you get to CH. 23!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: I am on 21 lol.

Mom: Holy smokes! I did not see this coming.

Me: Lol you are making me laugh.

Mom: This is serious! IT makes my last night anger dim in comparison. XP

Me: Was the anger over the arrow?

Mom: Yes, stupid T. When I messaged I thought she was going to die. It had just happened.

Me: Makes sense. When I listened to that part last night, I was like this is what mom was talking about.

Mom: Yep! When you get to this part you will know too and say holy crap!

Me: Well it will probably be late tonight or tomorrow. I’ll let you know thought.

Mom: ok. You are dying to know now.

Me: Yep. Thanks for that. XP

Mom: You are most welcome. Something to look forward too.



Me: Now I just want to read my book.

Mom: Sorry XP



Me: Okay I am hallway through Chapter 22.

Mom: And?

Me: I’m not very far so I haven’t had a moment to have my AHHH moment. Unless you are referring to the dagger going through the book.

Mom: Ahhh. And No, Bigger than that. Ch. 26 sigh. Sad. This book is a roller coaster. So much more happenings.

Me: lol



Me: Despina!!!

Mom: Right!!!

Me: Ugh

Mom: It is so hard to find a trustworthy handmaiden these days.

Me: I know right?



Mom: I finished the book last night.

Me: lalalalalalalalalalalala. I have 6 chapters left. I’m on 373 out of 416.

Mom: The feels will keep coming.

Me: Lol okay. My goal is to finish it this morning.


  1. I still haven't fit it in. But I should before I forget stuff from the first book. I'll have to come back to read the text messages cause I don't want to be spoiled. I bet it's hilarious though.

  2. Oh my goodness you would totally die laughing. Yes Girl! Find time for it. I actually liked it just as much as the first one.
