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LITTLE BLACK DRESSES, LITTLE WHITE LIES Blog Tour: Author Interview and Giveaway

Today we have Laura Stampler stopping by to answer a few questions about writing, her book, and what she likes. I hope you all enjoy!

Ali: Hello Laura! Welcome to Dazzled by Books. I am so excited to have you on the blog today. I wanted to kick things off with a fun question, so what is your favorite book of 2016 so far?

Laura: That’s such a hard one! The only thing that freaks me out more than picking favorites is ranking things on a scale of one to ten. I’ve read so many fantastic books this year — but some great YAs I’ve finished recently include: SCARLETT EPSTEIN HATES IT HERE, AMERICAN GIRLS, I WOKE UP DEAD AT THE MALL, and HOW TO DISAPPEAR. (Disclaimer: that last one was written by my amazing mother — but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a twisty, turny, amazing read.)

A: How do you come up with the names for your characters?

L: Some names came easily - like McKayla Rae and Bobby McKittrick and Carter Bosh. But others required more back and forth. For example, I went between Christina, Cristina, and Kristina over and over again until the K won out. (Maybe it’s because I was watching a lot of Kardashians at the time). When in doubt, I would say names out loud to determine what had the best melody.

A: Did you always want to be a writer? 

L: I did. My mom was transcribing my stories for me before I knew how to write.

A: That is so awesome! On that happy note, what inspires your writing?

L: I’m inspired by the random assortment of people and places and things I encounter in real life. Like my protagonist, Harper, I jot down random observations in a notebook and use all that stuff for material down the road.

 A: Do you have any habits while writing? For example: a specific snack food you have to have or maybe music playing in the background.

L: I would never have been able to write this book without the help of Oreos, Diet Coke, and Taylor Swift. I’d listen to Taylor Swift’s 1989 album on loop during writing binges because a) it got me in the rom-com mood, b) I knew the songs so well I didn’t find it distracting, and c) at 48 minutes and 41 seconds long, it served as a great marker of time. I’d set goals for myself to finish a chapter or tough scene by the end of the album.

A: What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t writing?

L: I love experiencing new things — it can be seeing an exhibition from an artist I’ve never heard of, exploring a city (or even street), or trying a regional cuisine. There’s so much out there to see and hear and taste. I want to sop it all up like a sponge.

A: Which character in LITTLE BLACK DRESSES, LITTLE WHITE LIES did you personally relate to the most and why?

L: I think that I related the most to Harper. I also was unsure of myself and kind of a disaster around boys in high school (although I think Harper ends up faring better on the boy front than I did!) It takes time to get comfortable and confident, and to find your true self and true voice — and it was really fun helping Harper find her way. (Granted she made a lot of wrong turns. I’m not a perfect person and neither is she).

A: What is the one thing you want readers to walk away from LITTLE BLACK DRESSES, LITTLE WHITE LIES with?

L: Harper says it best: “At the end of the day, the jerk you went to homecoming with won’t matter. Your friend who kicked him in the balls when he was a jerk to will. Because she’ll be kicking jerks in the balls for you for the rest of your life.”

A: If could describe your book in five words, what five would you use?

L: Sarcastic, Swoony, LOTS OF DOGS

A: Disney Princess or Disney Villain? Why?

L: Is it cheating to say Disney sidekick? Just like I know I’d be a Hufflepuff in the Harry Potter universe, I know I’d be a Flounder or Mushu in the Disney kingdom. Clumsy, comedic, but loyal.

A: I love it. No I don't think it is cheating. I love when people come up with their own creative answer. Thank you again for stopping by. It was so great to have you on the blog. This was a lot of fun. We will need to do it again!

L: Thanks so much for having me, and for all these great questions!



  • A hardcover copy of LITTLE BLACK DRESSES, LITTLE WHITE LIES to TWO (2) winners – US only


Must be 13 or older to enter. Giveaway is US only. Giveaway ends July 26th at 11:59 PM Pacific. Book will be ordered from Amazon. Prizing courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



The Tour Schedule


Please post at least you’re stop’s week in your posts!

Week One

July 6thPlease Feed the Bookworm – Review

July 6thRead Now Sleep Later – Guest Post

July 7thWorth Reading It? – Review

July 7thYA Book Madness – Review

July 8thAwkwordly Emma – Review

July 8thYA Reads – Character Interview


Week Two

July 11thFictional Fox – Review

July 11thCurling Up With A Good Book – Author Interview

July 12thFiktshun – Review

July 12thThe Anatomy of a Bookworm – Review

July 13thThe Phantom Paragrapher – Review

July 13thWhatever You Can Still Betray – Guest Post

July 14thCreatyvebooks – Review

July 14thLatte Nights Reviews – Review

July 15thHere’s to Happy Endings – Review

July 15thBooks & Beauti – Guest Post


Week Three

July 18thSwoony Boys Podcast – Review & Character Interview

July 19thBook Briefs – Review

July 19thA Dream Within A Dream – Guest Post

July 19thAll The Crannies – Review

July 20thThe Mind of a Book Dragon – Review

July 20thDazzled by Books – Author Interview

July 21stVibin With Books – Review

July 21stThe Recipe Fairy – Guest Post

July 21stOh, For The Love Of Stories - Review

July 22ndBooks and Bindings – Review

July 22ndUnderneath the Covers – Guest Post

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