The Reader by Traci Chee is so incredibly interesting and cool. I really enjoyed this book because it was so different than anything else that I have read. Chee brings readers a beautifully written debut novel with diverse characters and amazing world building. Writing and Readers i completely forbidden in this world and is a very uncharted territory for people. There is hidden magic and so much danger that this book will leave you on the edge of your seat.
One thing that I kind of enjoyed about this book is the more I read, the more I felt like I didn't know anything. This story is like an onion, each time you peel back a layer you find out that there are more layers to peel. I am looking forward to diving into more layers with the future books in this series. I loved that this book kept me guessing and wanting more. The more I would seek answers, the more questions I would have.
The book opens with Sefia's journey with her aunt Nin, but when Nin is found and taken has prisoner by a heartless group on people who are after a book. Sefia knows that they are after the book that she carries around in her pack but she doesn't know why. All she knows is that this is the last possession she has from her parents. As Sefia takes on this adventure on ehr own she ends up finding a boy that is like her to help. Together they decipher the book and read all of the stories. As she finds herself lost in these stories, she learns more about herself, her past, and her parents.
The Reader is a book you don't want to miss. This series is going to be epic and you want to make sure that you are on this journey. This world is so huge and amazing. The writing is incredible. Don't miss out on The Reader because you is a vast world to discover.
Bookish Candles:
I own Stub Tail Candle Co. and I enjoy making bookish and fandom candles. You can find us here.
A few
Without giving too many of my secrets away, I took some pictures of the amazing Reader candle that we came up with. I hope you all enjoy and love it!
I was so excited to dive in and start creating this candle. I wanted to show off the blue and green of the beautiful cover of The Reader and I also wanted to show off the gold lettering. The scents needed to fit with the book and the writing of the author.
What does the Reader candle smell like?
Scent Guide:
Copper, Seat Mist & Salt, Vanilla, and Fresh
I wanted this candle to make you feel like you were outside and near the ocean.
Below is some gorgeous pictures of the candle and this amazingly beautiful book. I hope you enjoy The Reader as much as I did. This candle is now currently listed in our shop if you would like to add it to your bookish candle collection.
You can find Stub Tail Candle Co. on Instagram at @stubtailcandleco.
You can find Me on Instagram at @love2dazzle.
Don't Forget: To pick up a copy of The Reader by Traci Chee and to Check out our Shop!
Week One
October 16 – Bette’s Pages – Review with photos
October 17 – AEROU – Review
October 18 – YA Wednesdays – Moodboard
October 19 – Boricuan Bookworms – Booktube Video
October 20 – The Blonde Bookworm – Review
October 21 – Across the Words – Playlist
October 22 – Eastern Sunset Reads – Creative
Week Two
October 23 – FlyLeaf Chronicles – Review
October 24 – ButtermyBooks – Review
October 25 – Ex Libris – Review
October 26 – Good Choice Reading – Promo Post
October 27 – Love Is Not a Triangle – Review
October 28 – A Page with a View – 5 favorite things about that world
October 29 – Dazzled by Books – Review with Bookish Candle
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