A crucial, genre-bending tale, equal parts Ned Vizzini and Patrick Ness, about the life-saving power of friendship. Solomon and Ash both experienced a traumatic event when they were twelve. Ash lost all memory of that event when she fell from Solomon’s treehouse. Since then, Solomon has retreated further and further into a world he seems to have created in his own mind. One that insulates him from reality, but crawls with foes and monsters . . . in both animal and human form. As Solomon slips further into the place he calls Darkside, Ash realizes her only chance to free her best friend from his pain is to recall exactly what happened that day in his backyard and face the truth—together. Fearless and profound, Sam J. Miller’s follow up to his award-winning debut novel, The Art of Starving, spins an intimate and impactful tale that will linger with readers.
Destroy All
Genre: Young Adult, Mental
Health, Contemporary
Book Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2W7LfB8
Bookdepository: https://www.bookdepository.com/Destroy-All-Monsters-Sam-J-Miller/9780062913937?ref=grid-view&qid=1559080245284&sr=1-4
Google Books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Destroy_All_Monsters?id=4mVzDwAAQBAJ&hl=enExcerpt:
Chapter One
“He’s sleeping
on the front porch again,” my mom said, her voice sounding sad the way only
Solomon can make it. “Do you want me to have your father talk to him this time,
I did not want that. Dad would scare the shit out of Solomon.
Our front porch was probably the last safe place Solomon had, and I could never
let Dad take that away from him.
“I’ll go,” I said, getting out of bed even though it was 2:00
Not that the time mattered. I hadn’t been asleep. I stopped by
the kitchen, fished two sodas out of the fridge. Diet Coke for me, vanilla Coke
for him. I always made sure we had vanilla Cokes cold and ready.
When I stepped out onto the porch, I was almost ashamed to wake
him. There was a cold edge to the night, and he was wearing a tank top and what
looked like boxer shorts. He seemed so small, in spite of the bulk of his
biceps. The sturdiness of his shoulders.
Another reason I didn’t want to disturb him: he was smiling. I
only ever saw him smile when he was asleep.
Someone at Solomon’s aunt’s house—or was it his mother’s friend
Sioux he was staying with these days?—might have been wondering where he was.
Might have been worried about him. But that was a big, unlikely “might.” If
Solomon had anyone else who cared what happened to him, he probably wouldn’t
have been sleeping on my porch in October in the first place.
“Hey,” I said, sitting down on the porch swing. I noticed he was
curled up just right to leave enough space for me to sit.
He mumbled something, curled up tighter. I grabbed one of his
feet and squeezed it.
“Ash, hey,” he said, like it was nothing, like this was totally
normal. The night smelled like rain and smoke and a little bit of skunk.
“Everything okay?”
He didn’t answer me right away, and I knew he was weighing his
words. Wondering how much to tell me. The stories he told—they were part of why
everyone was afraid of him. Crazy stuff he didn’t seem to understand was crazy.
A city full of monsters and magic and vicious police officers.
And dinosaurs. With Solomon it was always dinosaurs.
But he didn’t talk about any of that. Not this time. He sat up,
rubbed his eyes. “Skunk,” he said, wrinkling his nose, and all of a sudden he’s
a little boy and we’re ten years old and the world is so big and full of
wonderful, terrible things.
I put my arm around his shoulder and he leaned into me so fast
and gratefully that it made my throat hurt.
“You’re okay,” I said. “We’re okay.”
“We’re not,” he whispered.
I knew he was right, so I didn’t say anything. His breathing
slowed down. Solomon was safe, now. We were both safe, so long as we stayed
there. Stayed still. Every awful thing was asleep. The night protected us, a
deep black star-studded security blanket. I gave him his soda and he guzzled it
Anything could happen once he stepped down off my porch.
Returned to the real world with all its terrors and uncertainties. But in that
moment, we had each other.
“You’ll be up all night if you drink that,” he said, taking the
Diet Coke away from me when I popped the top.
“That was already the way things were going.”
His eyes were huge, and wouldn’t move away from mine. I tried
not to look into them, but they were unrelenting. “Why?”
I started to say, It’s the
meds, but decided against it. The last thing Solomon needed was another
reason to be afraid of medication.
I’d gotten on antidepressants three weeks before. They were just
starting to take effect. And they worked . . . mostly. The ground I walked on
was feeling less and less like thin ice that might crack open at any moment and
plunge me into the dark freezing water where I’d sink like a stone. Any side
effects seemed slight when compared to that.
“It’s this photo project,” I said hastily. “It’s a ton of work.”
“What’s it going to be about?”
“That’s the work.
Figuring out exactly what I want to focus on.” Then I said, “Connor was asking
about you.”
stiffened. Sat up. “You two are still a . . . thing?”
“You sound like him,” I said. “Always wanting to put a label on
“But you still see him. Still hook up.”
“Yeah,” I said. “Is that a problem?”
“Of course not,” he said, leaning forward, holding his head in
his hands. So, yeah, This Was Very Definitely a Problem.
I didn’t know what his deal was with Connor. Less than a year
younger than us, he’d always been Solomon’s adoring little stepbrother. If
something went wrong between them, I couldn’t imagine what it was.
“I should go,” Solomon groaned.
“Don’t,” I said. “Sleep here tonight. You can crash on my
“Your father would murder us both.”
“Not both,” I said.
“Probably just you.”
“Very comforting.”
“Hey, is everything okay?” I asked. “Why’d you come here
He rubbed the
back of his head. “I don’t know. It seemed important at the time. Had to tell
you something. Warn you. I don’t remember what about.”
“Ah,” I said. “Well. You can message me, if you remember.”
Solomon nodded. His face looked like it was about to crack open.
I wondered: What was it like, losing your mind? Being unable to
tell the difference between dreams and the waking world? Not knowing what’s
real and what’s not?
“Later, Ash,” he said eventually, standing up. Which is when I
noticed he had no shoes. Six-foot-plus, muscular like most guys wish they could
be, and he’d always look like a helpless little boy to me.
I watched him lope off, into the darkness. The smell of smoke
was stronger now. The cold weather was upon us. Summer was officially over, and
I should have been in bed. I stayed on the porch until my soda was finished,
and then headed inside to browse through 150 years’ worth of photography on the
internet until sleep snuck up on me.
Chapter Two
I shouldn’t
have gotten involved. They were police officers, and there were three of them,
and they were in a bad mood.
It was a cold night, and the streets smelled like a hundred
different kinds of smoke. Burning plastic, wood, paper, garbage—all the things
people were lighting up to keep warm. Summer was officially over, and I should
have been in bed.
My stomach grumbled. I wanted to eat a piece of apple pie and
fall asleep for the next several days. I didn’t want to save anybody. And
chances were pretty good the cops just wanted to scare the old woman pushing
the shopping cart. She had a velociraptor on a leash. I wondered if they’d
hassled her for its license. Dirty cops harassing othersiders was nothing new;
it happened a thousand times a day in Darkside. But once in a while they picked
on the wrong person or pushed someone too far, someone who wasn’t shy about
summoning up fire or ice shards—which meant the cops were legally within their
rights to respond with deadly force.
Which, I suspected, was what they wanted in the first place.
But the old
lady’s face was kindly. So I did the dumb thing. I started trouble.
“Come on, girl,” I said, kicking gently at Maraud’s sides. My
allosaurus flexed her nostrils, which is how she smiles. She doesn’t like
bullies any more than I do. Her claws opened and closed and she stepped out of
the alley and into the street.
“Hey. Leave her alone,” I called.
They looked up at me. Astride Maraud—her mouth open and dripping
hot, hungry saliva—I must have been an imposing sight. For a split second, they
were afraid. Then they remembered their guns, their power, the city that
supported their abuse, and the fear melted away.
“What’s it to you?” said one of them. The woman pushed her
shopping cart off and hurried down the street, turning only once to mouth Thank
you at me. Her velociraptor, scuttling beside her, made a guttural noise that
Maraud echoed back.
I didn’t have a good answer for him. So I did what I tend to do
in stressful situations: I took a picture.
It’s an instinct. If you stop to think, you’ll miss the shot.
And since selling a photo to the Clarion often meant the difference between eating
and starving, I tended to take the shot.
Problem is, cops hate having their pictures taken.
“Hands up!” they hollered.
My hands went up.
“Drop it!” they said.
“It’s not a weapon!” I called, bending my knees, holding up the
camera. “It’ll break if I drop it, and I can’t afford to replace it. So I’m
going to put it down very slowly, okay?”
“I said drop it, you—” And they called me a whole bunch of
superhorrific names. Fine. It gave me time to set the camera gently on the
ground the instant before they walked up and punched me in the stomach. And
kept on doing so, until I fell to the ground beside my camera.
“Somebody needs to learn to mind their own damn business,” the
shortest cop said, picking up my camera. He inspected it, deciding it probably
wasn’t a weapon after all. He held it out to me, but when I reached for it, he
pulled it back and let it drop. Something cracked. I bit my lip to keep from
exploding with a string of curses. Maraud huffed and stamped her foot, sharing
my anger.
“What’s your ability, punk? You a watersider? You have something
to do with that robbery last week, down by the docks?”
There was no use trying to deny that I was an othersider. Nobody
else would be walking around this part of town at night . . . with an
allosaurus. It’s why they call us monsters, because we’re not afraid of the
creatures that walk the streets of the city. “I don’t know what my ability is,”
I mumbled.
Lady cop laughed. “You expect us to believe that?”
“I don’t expect anything from the fine upstanding police officers
of Darkside,” I said. “Not when law-abiding othersiders get jumped every day by
goons, and you never do a damn thing about it. Not when those attacks are on
the rise and y’all never seem to notice.”
Unfazed by my attitude, dude cop continued, “We run your name,
we gonna find anything? Prior offenses, associations with illegal
“I don’t have any current offenses,” I said. “Let alone priors.
I’m not doing anything wrong. I just don’t think it’s right for you to harass
helpless old women.”
“This punk,” the lady cop said, and came at me fast.
“Shit,” I whispered, closing my eyes and bracing myself for the
inevitable assault.
Instead, an explosion rocked the street.
I opened my eyes to see two of the cops running down the street.
One was on his radio. Flames swirled up from a scorched hole in the side of a
building around the corner.
“What about this guy?” asked the woman, lingering with her hand
in the air in front of me, like she was aching to get in one last punch.
“Don’t be an idiot,” short cop said.
Then they were gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. Exhaustion
washed over me. I needed to be in bed beneath the bridge.
“You’re welcome,” called a voice from a doorway across the
I squinted into the shadows. “Who’s there?”
He strolled into the street with a smile on his face and his
hands full of lightning. A single bolt spun in a beautiful sphere, dozens of
strands of it intricately coiled together. It was beautiful—almost as perfect
as his face, which looked like summer even though summer was gone.
“Hi, Niv,” I said. “I take it that’s your handiwork burning a
hole in that building over there?”
“Hey, Solomon. You looked like you could use a bit of help.”
“Thanks,” I said.
He clasped his hands together and the lightning shrank down to
nothing. I felt so happy to see him, and I hated how happy I felt.
Niv was the personal bodyguard for my best friend, Ash. Yes,
that Ash—the Refugee Princess, living in hiding in the very same city where her
mother was queen.
Niv’s job was to move her from safe house to safe house. Because
Ash was an othersider, and the queen’s advisers assured her that if the bigoted
citizens of Darkside ever found out that her daughter was part of that hated
and feared community of so-called criminals and parasites, there’d be a
full-scale uprising.
So Ash and Niv were on the run, in the city she’d rule one day.
If she lived long enough—and the city didn’t tear itself apart before then.
“Cops have been getting even crazier lately,” he said. He
smelled like burning sage—a clear, cleansing smell.
I’ve never trusted him. I don’t know why. Maybe because he’s so
beautiful? Pretty people can’t be relied upon. They have too many options.
“Can’t you talk to her mother about that?” I asked.
“You know as well as I do that the police are a law unto
themselves. They don’t even listen to the queen.”
“She could fire the commissioner, hire somebody who isn’t such a
Niv laughed.
“You think she’s in a hurry to trigger a coup? They’d take her out in a second
if they thought she was trying to change the way they do things.”
“I guess,” I said begrudgingly. Cass, the editor in chief at the
Clarion, Darkside’s scrappy opposition paper, had said the same thing to me not
so long ago. “How’s Ash?”
“She’s . . . the same.”
I winced,
remembering Ash staring out the window at the snow, not even seeing it. Playing
our favorite songs for her and seeing that she felt nothing. “Can’t the doctors
. . .”
“She’s seen dozens of them, and they all say the same thing. The
only way to bring her out of this . . . whatever it is . . . is to lift the
spell the court sorcerers put on her.”
“Shit,” I said. We both knew her mother would never allow that.
The spell kept Ash’s powers in check, buried them deep. Since the age of
twelve, Ash had been childlike on the best of days, and semicatatonic on the
“She’s fighting it. Wherever she is in there, she’s working hard
to break the spell. That’s why they have to keep making it stronger. She’s
nobody’s victim.”
“Of course she’s not.”
“Come see her,” Niv said, and named an address in Raptor
Heights. A rough-and-tumble working-class neighborhood where lots of
othersiders could afford to live, because its bad reputation kept the rents
“Should you be telling me that?” I asked. “Isn’t her location
supposed to be a huge secret?”
He looked hurt, and I didn’t feel bad about it. Protecting Ash
was my primary purpose in life. This pretty boy I’d been crushing on since I
was ten didn’t matter, in the grand scheme. “She loves you, Solomon. There’s no
secrets from you.”
“But if you’d tell me, who else would you tell?”
Niv frowned, and his face flashed red. “Good to see you,
Maraud,” he said, patting her side. She blinked slowly, in happiness. Then he
turned and left.
Maraud took two steps to follow him. When I pressed my hand to
her neck to stop her, she turned to look at me in confusion.
“Sorry, girl,” I said, climbing on board. “Let’s head for the
As we went, she kept trying to turn. Still following Niv’s
scent—and Ash’s, on him.
“Ash is going to be okay,” I said, knowing she could hear the
lie in my voice. “We’re all going to be okay.”
A ship’s horn sounded in the distance, low and lonesome,
arriving from the Spice Islands. We hurried home through streets that stunk of
About the Author:
Sam J. Miller is the
Nebula-Award-winning author of The Art of Starving (HarperTeen), one of NPR's
Best Books of 2017. His second novel, Blackfish City (Ecco Press/USA; Orbit/UK)
was a "Must Read" according to Entertainment Weekly and O: The Oprah
Magazine, and one of the best books of 2018 according to the Washington Post,
Publishers Weekly, and more. Joan Rivers once asked him if he was gay (HE IS!).
He got married in a guerrilla wedding in the shadow of a tyrannosaurus
skeleton. He lives in New York City.
Author Links:
Website: http://samjmiller.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sentencebender
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sam.j.miller/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sentencebender/
Tour Schedule:
July 2nd
The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club - Welcome Post
July 3rd
BookCrushin - Interview
The Reading Life - Promotional Post
July 4th
Pages Below the Vaulted Sky - Interview
Snark and Squee - Review + Favourite Quotes
July 5th
The YA Obsessed - Review
Dazzled By Books - Promotional Post
July 6th
Frayed Books - Review
Confessions of a YA Reader - Promotional Post
July 7th
Belle's Archive - Review + Favourite Quotes
A Dream Within A Dream - Promotional Post
July 8th
Port Jericho - Review
Mangeuse de Livres - Review
Bemused Bibliophile - Review
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